Sunday, March 29, 2015

Pick up duty at Markover

Did pickup duty at Markover on Saturday.  All pigeons - which Argus does not like.  He would spit out when he got back to me.  So, did a little forcing on hold- much better. 

Actually, it was good that it was not a mixed bag (pheasants and pigeons) as Argus could not choose.  When we have done mixed bag before, Argus would select pheasants and ignore pigeons.  This time, he couldn't do that.

It was snowing out, nothing accumulated, but it did get Argus wet.  He was shivering by the end of the morning session.  I put on his camo vest for afternoon - much happier.

Water still frozen around here, so no opportunity to do water work.  We'll just have to see how PCA goes.

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