Monday, October 28, 2013

Report from this weekend's hunting.

On Sunday, we went to Addieville.  I was the only shooter.  Argus did a great job - he found 15 out of 16 birds.  I did not have as good as a batting average for the shooting part.  I like the second picture - the serious Argus, compared to the first with his tongue out.

Some highlights - Argus is really getting hang of hunting up the birds, very fun to see him get birdy.  We had a couple of good "hunt dead" commands - where the bird is down, but we can't find it.  The cover was about 6 feet high at some points - we were in field 3.  I need to work on the command with him so that he knows exactly what I want, but he does hunt the area up to find it and delivers back to hand.

This is from Saturday's duck hunt.   Arthur came along.  We had a beautiful sun rise.  We got one duck - it fell about 100 yards away near land.  Argus did not see it and it was near another hunter, so we waiting to get it.  Argus and I headed over, the other hunter thought it landed near the water, so we looked around there but gave up after a couple of minutes - we did not want to disturb the other hunter too much.  On the way out about an hour later, we tried again, but this time I went more on land - where I thought it was in the first place.  Asked Argus to hunt dead - and he found it - a hen mallard.  I would have never found it.

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