Monday, December 2, 2013

Hunting on Saturday on Sudbury at 14 degrees fahrenheit.

Two mallards, ice on river, very fun hunt.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Goose training

Just got the goose training dummy from GunDogSupply and trained with it this morning.  Argus had trouble at first finding where to hold it, but eventually got it.  We'll add this to our training regime.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hunted last weekend with Chris Nadeau and his son William.  Argus did great and William really loved it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hunted this morning.

Got one mallard - Argus did retrieve.  It was a blind retrieve.  He had to go about 50 yards.  Handled him once, then he hunted it up on a small tuft of marsh grass.  Great job.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hunted last weekend with Matt McManus who lives in Concord.  We met on Duck Hunting Chat for Massachusetts.  Matt shot a goose, it came down about 50 yards away - deep in the reeds.  We couldn't really mark it too well - the reeds are about 6 ft high.

We paddled over, marched around a while, but could find it.  After about 10 minutes, I was walking to a new area, calling Argus over, but he wouldn't come.  Looked back and he had his nose to the ground.  Right at the goose.  It was buried beneath some dead swamp plant with large leaves - I walked about two feet from it and never saw it.  Matt - the same thing about 10 feet away.  Thanks to Argus we got the goose.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Report from this weekend's hunting.

On Sunday, we went to Addieville.  I was the only shooter.  Argus did a great job - he found 15 out of 16 birds.  I did not have as good as a batting average for the shooting part.  I like the second picture - the serious Argus, compared to the first with his tongue out.

Some highlights - Argus is really getting hang of hunting up the birds, very fun to see him get birdy.  We had a couple of good "hunt dead" commands - where the bird is down, but we can't find it.  The cover was about 6 feet high at some points - we were in field 3.  I need to work on the command with him so that he knows exactly what I want, but he does hunt the area up to find it and delivers back to hand.

This is from Saturday's duck hunt.   Arthur came along.  We had a beautiful sun rise.  We got one duck - it fell about 100 yards away near land.  Argus did not see it and it was near another hunter, so we waiting to get it.  Argus and I headed over, the other hunter thought it landed near the water, so we looked around there but gave up after a couple of minutes - we did not want to disturb the other hunter too much.  On the way out about an hour later, we tried again, but this time I went more on land - where I thought it was in the first place.  Asked Argus to hunt dead - and he found it - a hen mallard.  I would have never found it.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Duck Hunting this morning

Argus coming back from retrieve this morning.  A beautiful drake mallard.  He needed a little encouragement to get out of the boat, but completed the retrieve just fine.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Opening day yesterday - beautiful day, but birds were not decoying.  We did get one mallard.  Argus did not see it, so had to try a blind.  He lost confidence using the ladder, so had trouble getting retrieve.  We hadn't trained this - entering via the ladder.  Need to work on his confidence here.  We got the duck and did a couple retrieves and got him to use the ladder.  Did some more training at home on dry land.  On to the next hunt.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The following pictures from recent hunting:
1.  In Maine, hunting on the Grand Lake Stream - Argus' first wild bird of the year - a Maine wood duck.
2.  Training at Flerra Meadows in Boxborough.  We did alot of blind water retrieves.
3 and 4.  Hunting Partners after a successful hunt at Addieville.  Nathaniel and Argus did great.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Maine Hunting Trip 2013

We just wrapped up a trip hunting in Maine.  Grand Lake Stream - at Weatherby's.  The weather was very warm - 70 - 75 degrees.  Did not see many grouse or woodcock.  Did get some duck hunting in - here's a picture of wood duck that Argus retrieved.  We also got a mallard.  Both great blind retrieves for him.

Pictures below are:
- Argus relaxing in cabin.
- Argus with wood duck - his first wild retrieve of the year.
- Argus relaxing after the hunt.   A very tired puppy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Went to train with Buck last night.  We haven't been to see him for months - maybe June.

Talked about the two failures at SH tests.  How he has trouble doing long swims.  He compared Argus to Bang.

Worked on his water blinds.  Argus did not want to go in - sometimes he doesn't like to get wet the first time.

Well, that's all Buck needed to see.  We move to forcing into the water.  Buck also thought I was being too easy on Argus - that he's playing me.  So, we moved the e-collar up to 2 and proceeded to force into the water.

After three times, we moved back to water blind.  Argus did well.  Buck gave us a compliment saying he didn't think we'd make it this far!  High praise coming from Buck.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

We were one for two at the hunt tests in Dixmont ME last weekend.

He passed on Saturday, and failed on Sunday.

We learned alot and what we need to practice.
1.  Water blinds - needs more confidence.
2.  Blinds - do not go back to prior fall of a mark
3.  Shore running - still an issue with him

Here are some pictures.

Monday, July 1, 2013

We failed at yesterday's senior hunt test - Southern Berkshire Golden Retriever Test in Nod Brook, CT.

We did great up until the last bird - the water blind.  It was down a narrow channel.  I got Argus into the channel, and then he did not want to go back.  He kept going left/right.  So, we called him in.  This was after five other great birds.

  Walk up with a flyer.  Argus was very in control - thanks to Audrey and her fellow dog walkers from Rideout.  Argus decided to take the memory bird first - walk up was a left to right and the flyer was a right to left  - so from Argus' perspective, they were both in line with each other.  He was not the only dog to select the memory bird first.

He got that, then went to the flyer.  got that very easily.

The blind was off on the left.  In a bunch of scrub.  He lined great, couple of whistles and we were done.

  Memory bird straight ahead and the flyer off to the right.  The gunners were a little late in hitting bird, so it flew far away into some lily pads.  Also, from where they had us line up, he could not see the bird hit the water, only that it was in an area.  He got the bird finally.  Went for the memory, but was off the mark.  So I handled him quickly to it.

On the blind, his initial line was not good, he handled well to get him into the channel then he didn't want to go further.  On hindsight, I should have sent him on a false line tot he left - then did back to get him through.  Next time.

It was very hot and humid all day.  So, after the fail, we just headed home to relax.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The fish hook

Here's a shot of the hook. Small pond, big hook?

Haven't blogged in a while.  We've been training a lot.  Doing swim by, blinds, etc.

I was using a pond at Estabrook, but it was very overgrown and about a 20 minute walk.

Then I went to White's Pond, shore is free, a little shallow, so Argus had to wade in about 10 feet to get swimming.  Also a 5 minute walk in.

Then last night at Delaney, Margaret Stubbs and I were talking about swim by and she recommended Flerra Meadows in Boxborough.  Here's a map.

So, Argus and I head over today at 5 am.

Having a great training session, great enthusiasm, etc.

Then on the final water blind, Argus swims across, I handle him to the bumper, he gets it and then swims back.  He got about five feet and then stopped.  He struggled and struggled.  I thought he was caught in some weeks, etc.  But he could not free himself.  He started to look a little panicked, I thought he might drown.  I stripped down to my underwear and jumped in to swim over to him.

Lo and behold, he was hooked by an old fishing line.  A big hook was in his groin - just under the skin.  I had to bite through the line to free it from a tree.  We both swam back.

Argus did not look the worse for wear.  The hook had a think steel leader - like a coat hanger wire.  I sat Argus and went to the car.  I got my Leatherman.  I cut the leader off, leaving the hook in Argus.  He was not in any distress.  Put him in the car and drove home.

Audrey helped me get it out - then she left - does not like any medical - there wasn't any blood, just a hold where it went it.  That was enough for Audrey.  Had Olivia sent down to fill in and hold Argus.

Trimmed the area, flushed out the hole with saline, cleaned the area well and put on triple antibiotic cream.  Hopefully no infection.

All this before 7 am.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Here's a picture taken by John Carelli at the Poodle Club of America Hunt Test last weekend.  I'll do a longer post later, but in the meantime here's a nice picture of Argus returning with the flyer.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Movie Star

Audrey took Argus to Rideout Park. First time that he is out in public (do not consider the Delaney group to be public - they're dog people.)

Several of Argus' friends were there and their owners were very impressed.

As Audrey was walking out - a family (mother, grandmother and kids) in a Range Rover were in parking lot.  Audrey could see that they were laughing - they rolled down their windows and Audrey asked - "Are you laughing at my dog?"  They said he looked like a movie star.   I guess the kids like a movie "Cats and Dogs".

So, Argus is now a movie star!

Three pictures of Argus' new clip - the Historically Correct Continental Clip (HCCC).  I decided to do it since we are going to the Poodle Club of America's hunt test next weekend.  When in Rome, dress like the Romans...

Annie from Village Groomers  in Walpole did it.  She came highly recommended by some people at the Poodle Club of Massachusetts.  Great job and great shop.  The took great care of Argus for the day.

I picked him up late in the day and then rushed over to training at Delaney.  Argus hadn't eaten all day and spent a lot of time on the grooming table and in a kennel.  So, shall we say, he was not focused on retrieving.

He broke on the first of a double.  So, we called him back.  Then did three singles.  He was slow to pick the birds up - slower than usual.

On the last bird, a walk up, he went to the bird, then decided to eat it!  I guess he was really hungry.  (For non-retriever people, that is a major faux pas.)  I immediately went out to get him and discipline him.

Overall, not a successful training - but at least I learned something - do not train immediately after his grooming.


Cont 2

Monday, April 8, 2013

Great training this weekend.  Used the water at the Old Calf Pasture on Saturday.  The air was so cold that Argus got ice on his hair after he left water.  Did not seem to bother him in the least bit.

Audrey helped on Saturday at the field in Acton throwing ducks.  Nathaniel helped on Sunday.

Got the running order for the upcoming Poodle Club of America events.

Senior Hunt Test (Saturday)

SH Running Order
Call Name
Dan Cassidy
Dale MacKenzie
Linda Miller
Helene Huffer
Margaret Fox
Joyce Carelli

WCX on Sunday.

Call Name

Argus goes in tomorrow for his grooming.  Should be interesting to see how he looks without all his hair.  I haven't cut his hair all winter.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

First water of 2013

Sunny day today in Concord.  We had three training sessions

1.  Lining, handling in the morning
2.  Land marks - doubles with Audrey and Nathaniel helping out - with ducks and pheasants.
3.  Water - went to the Lowell Street bridge in Concord.  The Old Calf Pasture was flooded, so it was running depth.  We did several marks in water - singles and doubles - and some land doubles with some great cover.  Will definitely go back.

The water did not seem to bother Argus too much - he hesitated on the first mark, but after that, he ran right in.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pickup duty at Addieville

We did pickup duty again at Addieville.  Cold, but sunny day.

750 birds were released.  We were alone at our stations - number 5 for the morning, then between 9/10 in the afternoon.

Argus retrieved around 60 birds in the day.  Here are some pictures - First one is Argus in the car on the way home - he slept the whole way - but woke up when I took this picture.

Second picture is the 9/10 station - he had alot of action there and did his first legitimate blind retrieve!

Third picture was station 5 - he had alot of fast action here - very woodsy station.

Excellent lunch break - lamb stew, choice of sausage or corned beef.  Homemade cookies.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Working on double T training.  Needed more bumpers.  Here is picture of the fur ball with Nathaniel.  Audrey does not understand why we need so many bumpers - she needs to come training!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Training partners

Pic of Nathaniel and Argus on cold morning. About 15 degrees. This is at our local field on Weatherbee Rd in Acton.

Argus did great on doubles at about 100 yards. He also did great this morning on overs and back. The single T drill.

Argus looking at his training partner Nathaniel

Nathaniel walking in from doing bird boy duty. The big fur ball is interested

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cold Morning - Post Training - Over Success

Argus after training this morning - temperature about 10 degrees.  Does not seem to faze him.

An interesting thing happened in training today.  Here's the story -

We trained last night with Buck.  Working on the Over command.  He did fine if I identified the pile first - he goes right over on command - command is say word "Over" plus point arm in the direction - right/left.  He had a problem when I did not id the pile - he would just look up at me confused.

Buck gave some suggestions on how to handle - basically move closer and enforce a "fetch" if he hesitates. Fetch is a very specific command - one that Argus knows and that he must obey.  It is a command that he was "forced" on - basically an absolute command with ramifications if Argus does not obey.  Buck normally does not like to use this command to solve another problem, but thought Argus needed it to break through whatever block he had.

So, we went out today in the cold weather to work on it.

I set it up, warmed him up with some Over's where I id'ed the pile.  Then, did an Over without ID.  Argus did not move and had the confused look on him.  I moved closer, repeated  and added the "fetch" - Argus went right over and picked up.

Try again, and he has similar problem.

For some reason, I think back to training the previous night.  At Buck's, it is "first come, first served".  So often you have to wait around and watch others get trained before your turn.  It is usually very productive just to sit and listen - most of Buck's training is actually training the human.

Well, a couple people before me was a guy who is a little ahead of us in training.  Buck was working with him on Over's, Back's and Angled Back's.  One thing Buck said was that sometimes, if you yell your command on an over, the dog will go back.  Back is the primary direction in teaching dogs to run blinds, so it is the command we most often do.  So, when stressed by the handler yelling "over", a dog will sometimes go back and/or fade back.

So, using the same logic - I sometimes have to out think Argus, maybe Argus is confused because I yell a command and point.  Let's just try the point - with no words.  Well, lo and behold, I do a silent Over - no words, just point to pile - Argus goes immediately over.  No problem.  We proceed to do about 10 of these - both directions - without any problems.  All this time I was frustrated with him for not understanding, but seems like he was confused with my signals.  Need to learn to speak Poodle next time.

We'll see if Buck is ok with Argus' silent Overs!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Doing Pick-up duty at Addieville last weekend

Here are an assortment of pictures from last weekend's pick-up duty at Addieville.  It was a 1,100 bird shoot.  To Argus, this must be like heaven - Dad brings me to a place where birds fall from the sky all day.

We shared a station with Nancy Wolston - friend from prior hunt tests.  She had her female dog - Layla? - retrieve in morning, then Yaeger - pictured below - in the afternoon.  Yaeger will be going to Westminster dog show next month - we'll be cheering for him.   Yeager is a wonderful 105 lbs of lab - "slab of lab" - a term new to me about describing a great large lab.

Yeager is a Master Hunter and tried to show Argus the ropes.  Argus was the young, excited dog - by the end of the day - Yeager did not want to have anything to do with this young upstart - as you can see from their picture.  Yeager is looking away and not happy.

Here's a link to Yeager's page.

Overall, great day for everyone - beautiful winter day, sunny and warm.  We retrieved over 70 birds.  Great training for his upcoming tests.