Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Haven't blogged in a while.  We've been training a lot.  Doing swim by, blinds, etc.

I was using a pond at Estabrook, but it was very overgrown and about a 20 minute walk.

Then I went to White's Pond, shore is free, a little shallow, so Argus had to wade in about 10 feet to get swimming.  Also a 5 minute walk in.

Then last night at Delaney, Margaret Stubbs and I were talking about swim by and she recommended Flerra Meadows in Boxborough.  Here's a map.

So, Argus and I head over today at 5 am.

Having a great training session, great enthusiasm, etc.

Then on the final water blind, Argus swims across, I handle him to the bumper, he gets it and then swims back.  He got about five feet and then stopped.  He struggled and struggled.  I thought he was caught in some weeks, etc.  But he could not free himself.  He started to look a little panicked, I thought he might drown.  I stripped down to my underwear and jumped in to swim over to him.

Lo and behold, he was hooked by an old fishing line.  A big hook was in his groin - just under the skin.  I had to bite through the line to free it from a tree.  We both swam back.

Argus did not look the worse for wear.  The hook had a think steel leader - like a coat hanger wire.  I sat Argus and went to the car.  I got my Leatherman.  I cut the leader off, leaving the hook in Argus.  He was not in any distress.  Put him in the car and drove home.

Audrey helped me get it out - then she left - does not like any medical - there wasn't any blood, just a hold where it went it.  That was enough for Audrey.  Had Olivia sent down to fill in and hold Argus.

Trimmed the area, flushed out the hole with saline, cleaned the area well and put on triple antibiotic cream.  Hopefully no infection.

All this before 7 am.

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