Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Three pictures of Argus' new clip - the Historically Correct Continental Clip (HCCC).  I decided to do it since we are going to the Poodle Club of America's hunt test next weekend.  When in Rome, dress like the Romans...

Annie from Village Groomers  in Walpole did it.  She came highly recommended by some people at the Poodle Club of Massachusetts.  Great job and great shop.  The took great care of Argus for the day.

I picked him up late in the day and then rushed over to training at Delaney.  Argus hadn't eaten all day and spent a lot of time on the grooming table and in a kennel.  So, shall we say, he was not focused on retrieving.

He broke on the first of a double.  So, we called him back.  Then did three singles.  He was slow to pick the birds up - slower than usual.

On the last bird, a walk up, he went to the bird, then decided to eat it!  I guess he was really hungry.  (For non-retriever people, that is a major faux pas.)  I immediately went out to get him and discipline him.

Overall, not a successful training - but at least I learned something - do not train immediately after his grooming.

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