Sunday, September 28, 2014

Archery with Olivia

Here are some pics of Olivia doing archery at the Concord Rod and Gun club.  She really likes to do it.  We usually go over on Sunday afternoon and borrow their equipment.  Today, she went up in the tree stand and shot.  Great job - got alot on the targets.  If she keeps it up, I'll get her a real bow for Christmas.

Hunt Test Update

Haven't posted in a while.

Argus and I tried a couple of Master Hunt tests - one in Maine over Labor Day weekend and one this weekend.

We made it to the second series on the Maine test, and only the first series yesterday.

One the Maine one, I understood completely why we were tossed out.  Yesterday, not really sure, but I think it was because our blinds were not of master quality.  Not really sure, but suspect that Argus went too near a prior fall so they dumped him.  One of the judges is from the Lab Club that I train with, so I'll check in with her later this week.  Also, on the second blind, Argus had a stop whistle refusal, so I kept blowing, what actually happened was that he smelled the bird and headed straight to it.  I either should have shut up - or he should have sat.  Without the e-collar to remind him to stop, hard to do number 2.  Will work on.

Regardless, it was very positive to see what Master set-ups are like.  I think I'm more confident than ever that we'll get through.  Just need to clean up his/my blinds.