Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Upland Hunt Test

For the inaugural Upland Hunt Test - UWC, the PCA had the event at a Beagle Club called the Penisula Beagle Club.  Here they train beagles to track rabbits.

Here are a couple pictures of the beagles in their kennels - look like rabbit cages.

Monday, April 21, 2014

PCA 2014

Total success at PCA 2014.  Argus went 4 for 4 - adding another leg to his Senior Hunter goal.

Will post more later, but here are few pictures.  We saw a corded poodle at the hunt test - very fun to see one up close.  Argus didn't know what to make of this gal!

Monday, April 7, 2014


Hunted at Addieville on Sunday afternoon.  Beautiful day - warm - in high 50's/60's.  

Windy for first stocking where they put 8 birds out.  Argus got 7 to flush.  Some flushed "wild" when Argus was running near them.  I think the wind made them spooky.  

The second stocking of 7 was fantastic.  Argus got all 7 on great points.  He trapped several - some I think were too dizzied - so did not flush - even after I picked them up and threw them.  They were basically dead - either from Argus trapping them or the bird boys spinning them too much.

Whatever - Argus did great in the hunting.  

We also did about 5 "hunt dead" birds.  He was a little wild on one, but definitely hunted up the dead birds.  He "winded" them mostly - just got downwind and followed into the bird.  

Great retrieving too - and he's holding it better.  The work on "hold" has paid off.  Will continue though before the test.


At addieville