Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Went to train with Buck last night.  We haven't been to see him for months - maybe June.

Talked about the two failures at SH tests.  How he has trouble doing long swims.  He compared Argus to Bang.

Worked on his water blinds.  Argus did not want to go in - sometimes he doesn't like to get wet the first time.

Well, that's all Buck needed to see.  We move to forcing into the water.  Buck also thought I was being too easy on Argus - that he's playing me.  So, we moved the e-collar up to 2 and proceeded to force into the water.

After three times, we moved back to water blind.  Argus did well.  Buck gave us a compliment saying he didn't think we'd make it this far!  High praise coming from Buck.