Thursday, July 25, 2013

We were one for two at the hunt tests in Dixmont ME last weekend.

He passed on Saturday, and failed on Sunday.

We learned alot and what we need to practice.
1.  Water blinds - needs more confidence.
2.  Blinds - do not go back to prior fall of a mark
3.  Shore running - still an issue with him

Here are some pictures.

Monday, July 1, 2013

We failed at yesterday's senior hunt test - Southern Berkshire Golden Retriever Test in Nod Brook, CT.

We did great up until the last bird - the water blind.  It was down a narrow channel.  I got Argus into the channel, and then he did not want to go back.  He kept going left/right.  So, we called him in.  This was after five other great birds.

  Walk up with a flyer.  Argus was very in control - thanks to Audrey and her fellow dog walkers from Rideout.  Argus decided to take the memory bird first - walk up was a left to right and the flyer was a right to left  - so from Argus' perspective, they were both in line with each other.  He was not the only dog to select the memory bird first.

He got that, then went to the flyer.  got that very easily.

The blind was off on the left.  In a bunch of scrub.  He lined great, couple of whistles and we were done.

  Memory bird straight ahead and the flyer off to the right.  The gunners were a little late in hitting bird, so it flew far away into some lily pads.  Also, from where they had us line up, he could not see the bird hit the water, only that it was in an area.  He got the bird finally.  Went for the memory, but was off the mark.  So I handled him quickly to it.

On the blind, his initial line was not good, he handled well to get him into the channel then he didn't want to go further.  On hindsight, I should have sent him on a false line tot he left - then did back to get him through.  Next time.

It was very hot and humid all day.  So, after the fail, we just headed home to relax.