Saturday, March 30, 2013

First water of 2013

Sunny day today in Concord.  We had three training sessions

1.  Lining, handling in the morning
2.  Land marks - doubles with Audrey and Nathaniel helping out - with ducks and pheasants.
3.  Water - went to the Lowell Street bridge in Concord.  The Old Calf Pasture was flooded, so it was running depth.  We did several marks in water - singles and doubles - and some land doubles with some great cover.  Will definitely go back.

The water did not seem to bother Argus too much - he hesitated on the first mark, but after that, he ran right in.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pickup duty at Addieville

We did pickup duty again at Addieville.  Cold, but sunny day.

750 birds were released.  We were alone at our stations - number 5 for the morning, then between 9/10 in the afternoon.

Argus retrieved around 60 birds in the day.  Here are some pictures - First one is Argus in the car on the way home - he slept the whole way - but woke up when I took this picture.

Second picture is the 9/10 station - he had alot of action there and did his first legitimate blind retrieve!

Third picture was station 5 - he had alot of fast action here - very woodsy station.

Excellent lunch break - lamb stew, choice of sausage or corned beef.  Homemade cookies.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Working on double T training.  Needed more bumpers.  Here is picture of the fur ball with Nathaniel.  Audrey does not understand why we need so many bumpers - she needs to come training!