Sunday, December 30, 2012

Argus on Vacation

We are out West skiing. Argus is at my sister Dee's house in the city.  A week off of training and couch privileges.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Addieville Morning

Hunted this morning with Nathaniel and Argus.  Beautiful day.  A lot of fun.  One tired poodle.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Argus trying on his new rubber boots!  He definitely does not like them.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Argus was in a dog fight today at park.  A Great Dane took a bite out of our little hunter.  Argus should stick with dead birds!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hunted at Addieville with Ryan and Jeff on Saturday - forgot to take pictures.  There was a dusting of snow on the ground - very beautiful in the fields.
We hired a guide - Scott - who thought Argus did great.  After Argus ran, we used Scott's dog (Brittany's) to finish up the hunt.  Alot of fun all around.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Here are some photos after our hunt last Saturday at Addieville.
We hunted with Nancy Wolston and her lab Yeager.  I met Nancy through the Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Boston.
Argus and Yeager took turns hunting - we had wonderful weather and a great time.

AKC JH Certificate

It's official.  Just got this in the mail yesterday - Argus' AKC Junior Hunter Certificate.  Thanks again to Buck Shope of Swift River Retrievers for all his help.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Here are three pictures from Donna Kelliher - professional photographer.  She took them at the Yankee Golden Retriever Hunt Test.  Her contact is

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

AKC just updated Argus' record - he now is officially Argus JH.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Injured at pickup

Argus got a small scrap on his right leg while doing pickup duty at Addieville yesterday.  Bandage applied.  We'll see how long it stays on.

Close up

Close up of his injured leg - note the camo bandage for the little hunter.
Did pickup duty at Addieville for Ducks Unlimited of RI.  They had a 400 bird shoot.
Argus did great and had a fantastic time retrieving the downed birds.  A little rain in beginning, then just overcast skies.  He slept all the way home.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Officially Junior Hunter

Results were posted for Sunday's test, and as expected, Argus did pass.  So he's an official Junior Hunter.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Final Pass

Here's a picture of Argus after his final test on Sunday.  He passed (or at least I think he did - we left early to catch an earlier ferry).  Will check the website to see that he officially passed.  If so, he is now titled as a Junior Hunter - so can list JH after his name.

In Hamptons

After Saturday's test wrapped up, we spent the afternoon in the Hamptons.  This picture was taken in West Hampton - beautiful sunny afternoon.

Passed JH test

Here is Argus after passing the Junior Hunter test on Saturday - the first of two this weekend.

This makes his third pass.  One more to go.

New friend on the ferry

Argus meeting his new friend on the ferry ride over to Long Island.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tired little hunter

After a day of retrieving ducks and hunting woodcock and grouse in VT, Argus has collapsed at the hotel. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Here's picture my son Nathaniel took of Argus jumping over a stream in the Berkshires.  Airborne Poodle!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Just got Argus' ribbon in mail from his second hunt test pass.  Here's picture of the little hunter on the front lawn.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Just checked Entry Express for the results from Sunday - and he did pass.  Two more to go.  Hopefully they sent his ribbon in the mail - we'll get a picture if they do.

17ArgusDaniel CassidyDan CassidyPass

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Argus after completing the water portion.

On the first bird, he decided to be a poodle and entered the water about 20 feet to the right next to a blind hiding a canoe - it was closer to the bird. (Buck - our trainer - would not have been happy!)  He got the bird no problem, swam back to same spot.  He then hung out behind the blind - I could not see him.  After calling "here" a couple times, he pranced around the corner with the bird proudly carried high. He went to heel and delivered bird very well.

Second bird was no problem - he went straight to it - I could hear the judges saying "Nice line" - i.e. he went  directly to it.

We had to leave because I have to get on a plane now.  I'm sure he passed, but won't know officially until results are posted - stay tuned.

Two Junior Hunter passes - two more to go.

Junior. Hunt test 2

Argus passed the morning. Now resting in car before afternoon water test

Monday, September 24, 2012

Saturday we worked picking up for a driven hunt at Addieville.  Here are a few pictures taken by Susan Lindberg a friend I have met through the Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Boston (LRCGB).  Argus and I have done several LRCGB events and they have always welcomed Argus as an "honorary" Lab.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Argus recovery from a cut on his leg.  A little first aid, should be fine.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The little hunter gets groomed

Argus after visiting the groomer. He will be looking good for upcoming hunting season. Photos courtesy of Nathaniel Cassidy.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Argus got at pass at his first AKC Junior Hunt test yesterday at Nod Brook in CT.  
He did great on all four birds, small handler error on the first one, but overall an excellent job.