Monday, June 23, 2014

Another day at Heard Pond

Another day at Heard Pond - Argus did very well.  Did a long blind - back up the channel that we come in through.  A lot of whistles, but he got to the bumper.

Will train on this some more.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Hunt training at Heard Pond

Went to one of our hunting spots on Heard Pond to train "in the wild".

Tucked into the marsh, we set up just like a hunt.  Ran Argus with several marks, including some doubles.  Also ran him on a couple of blinds.

He did great.  Jumped out of the boat - which is unusual for him.  Will do some more training on this.   Also used the ladder to get him back in.  He definitely used it, but doesn't connect that it is the easiest way back into the boat.  Sometimes he just came back straight - and would not let me guide him over to the ladder.  I just pulled him in.

Will work on at home.