Sunday, September 30, 2012

Argus after completing the water portion.

On the first bird, he decided to be a poodle and entered the water about 20 feet to the right next to a blind hiding a canoe - it was closer to the bird. (Buck - our trainer - would not have been happy!)  He got the bird no problem, swam back to same spot.  He then hung out behind the blind - I could not see him.  After calling "here" a couple times, he pranced around the corner with the bird proudly carried high. He went to heel and delivered bird very well.

Second bird was no problem - he went straight to it - I could hear the judges saying "Nice line" - i.e. he went  directly to it.

We had to leave because I have to get on a plane now.  I'm sure he passed, but won't know officially until results are posted - stay tuned.

Two Junior Hunter passes - two more to go.

Junior. Hunt test 2

Argus passed the morning. Now resting in car before afternoon water test

Monday, September 24, 2012

Saturday we worked picking up for a driven hunt at Addieville.  Here are a few pictures taken by Susan Lindberg a friend I have met through the Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Boston (LRCGB).  Argus and I have done several LRCGB events and they have always welcomed Argus as an "honorary" Lab.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Argus recovery from a cut on his leg.  A little first aid, should be fine.