Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Still working on Fetch.  Here Argus is in office practicing Fetch and Hold.

We train with Buck Shope at Swift River Retrievers.  And I mean me - most of the lessons are teaching me how to communicate with Argus.

Monday, November 21, 2011

At Bolton Flats on Sunday

Here's Argus after walking around Bolton Flats on Sunday.  He kicked up three pheasant that were left over from Saturday (Bolton Flats is stocked by Mass Wildlife).
First one - Argus basically walked over, surprised him, he got very excited.
Second and Third One - Argus got very "birdy" and actually hunted these two from bushes.  Great to see him with his natural flushing ability.

Very tired and thirsty afterwards.  A lot of fun.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Starting Blog

I started this blog to document the training of Argus - my standard poodle.  He's about 12 months old now.